Monthly Archives - February 2023

The summary “7 Good Practices of Local Government, 2022”

In implementation of the project for monitoring the performance of local government supported by thew Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands under Dutch development / foreign policy, ALTAX experts and partners through social audit, have identified and analyzed to...

Reframing of policies to prevent financial bubbles in the economy

Housing prices around the world have experienced an uninterrupted boom because of the global financial crisis [1]. However, the extent of the housing boom shows considerable variation across countries.In Albania over the last 12 years (2010 – 2022),...

Exchange rate risk between Lek and Euro in the Albanian market

In broad terms, exchange rate risk [1] is major when a company or investment relies on a foreign currency that must be converted into the Albanian lek.Foreign exchange risk can be caused by the appreciation/devaluation of the Lek,...

Albania’s listing as non-cooperative tax jurisdiction and the lack of accountability on the responsibility of fiscal leadership

The EU works to promote and strengthen the mechanisms of tax good governance, fair taxation, and global tax transparency, to tackle tax fraud, evasion, and avoidance.Given the global nature of unfair tax competition, this also means...

Higher minimum wage limiting the increase in labor costs for employers

The legal minimum wage level has over the years been used as the most direct policy instrument of governments to influence wage levels at the bottom of the distribution mechanism.But even though minimum wages are considered as a policy action...
