Monthly Archives - October 2023

What is a strong budget?

Instead of making budget decisions based on the performance of revenues and expenditures of previous years, good public finance practice suggests that the government should structure budget decisions based on the prospects for the coming years.The budget is a problem...

Tax justice is a prerequisite for rebuilding trust between the government and taxpayers

Tax justice refers to ideas, policies, and advocacy that aim to achieve equity and social justice through fair taxation of the wealthiest members of society and multinational businesses [1].To this end, tax justice often focuses on dealing with...

The 2023 budget review should contain social attention

Mid-year revenue and expenditure budget reviews are part of a more frequent financial review cycle to ensure that money is spent strategically and to analyze and adjust allocations according to the performance of budget projects by ministries. Unfortunately, many ministries...

An economic growth without growth for 2024, if not based on inclusiveness

As shown in the World Economic Outlook a few days ago, while the world has shown remarkable resilience, the recovery from the shocks of recent years is slow, below its potential and uneven.Growth is slow, because at 3-4 percent,...

Why are housing prices falling?

The private apartment market in the country has stalled in recent months.Buying a new apartment in Albania, but especially in Tirana and cities where there is a lot of construction, is a difficult task and is particularly challenging. The biggest...

The Berlin Process: The Challenge of Gaining EU Membership Through the “Growth Plan”

The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at increasing regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and aiding the integration of the BP countries into the European Union. It was launched on August 28, 2014, by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.The...

ALTAX publishes the study on tax incentives and how much consumption has been incentivized

This weekend ALTAX publishes an analysis related to the answer to the question that is also titled "Can temporary tax breaks stimulate consumer spending?"Based on official statistics, the analysis clarifies the problem of tax benefits by answering the title...

Chromium royalty has reduced the contribution to the state budget for the last three years Chromium royalty

According to the amendment made in December 2020[1] of the Law "On national taxes"[2] "In the case of the sale of mineral of the first group (I), "Metallic minerals", which includes chrome and copper for processing within...

Wage increase based on decent work, performance, and meritocracy

Wage is by far the most complex topic to be managed by businesses and the government. It can be considered a source of disappointment for all these years. But what we want to discuss today based on the opinions of...

Current military crises and the tasks of the Albanian economy

The Albanian economy, regardless of the situation outside its borders, is vulnerable, as it has left areas of its sovereignty not to be an influencing factor in cases of outbreaks of military and economic crises. The fact that the oil...
