Monthly Archives - May 2023

Tax Systems in the Western Balkans, 2023

"Tax Systems in the Western Balkans, 2023" (in Albanian) is a paper based on the examination of the tax legislation in the practice of 2022 and compared with the report of previous years with the same theme of fiscal policies.This...

Wage increase bill, confidence, and economic security for the people

In the Eurozone, the government wage bill accounts for almost a quarter of total government expenditure and about 10% of GDP, so it is important from a macroeconomic point of view[1].In Albania, the government wage bill...

The Pedal of Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Who Has Been Pressed Harder?

The sharp tightening of monetary policy has often caused financial stress or even crises, especially in developed economies, but also in developing countries. Because of higher credit and currency risks, global investors have typically pulled out quickly when interest rates...

Ekonomia e rajoneve shqiptare larg perspektivës së zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm

Ekonomia e rajoneve është e mbizotëruar nga bujqësia, ku nivelin më të lartë e gjejmë në Fier me 45.5% të ekonomisë rajonale dhe nivelin më të ulët e gjejmë në Tiranë me 3.8% të ekonomisë rajonale.Rajoni verior i vendit

…to create a resilient fiscal shield to adjust to shocks

Inflation can affect public finances through multiple channels. It tends to expand tax bases in nominal terms, increasing nominal tax revenues, but it can also increase the cost of government spending, more directly for budget items that are automatically indexed...

What affects inflation and exchange rates in Albania?

In a previous study of ALTAX [1], we mentioned all the factors analyzed and listed, which are the influences on the variations of the foreign exchange rate and inflation.From this previous analysis, we conclude that because of the...

Public wage increase, budget resources and big government

Adequate tax revenues are necessary to guarantee the continuation of the country's reformation, but also to meet the growing social costs. Taxes and taxes should, more than before, enable public authorities to actively contribute to the pursuit of economic, social,...

Foreign Direct Investments related to the tax burden in the Western Balkans

Average foreign direct investment in WB6 in 2022 is US$8.8 billion. Dollars, with a high increase of Serbia and Albania, which respectively have a share of 50.1% and 15.5% of FDI in BP6.In total FDI, it is seen that only...
