Monthly Archives - January 2024

ALTAX presents the summary of economic, and fiscal analyzes “More economy and less political selfishness”

In general, the Albanian economy exceeded the forecasts of domestic and foreign economists for 2023. For 2024, it seems that economists are showing a cautious approach to the forecasts of economic growth declared by the government at the level below...

New publication from ALTAX for construction and tax treatment in Albania, updated

After monitoring the progress of the tax and regulatory legislation for construction, as a process and as a salable product in the Albanian market, our experts drafted a material processed from data and online legal publications, from the processing of...

Agreement on illegal immigrants between the government of Albania and Italy and some financial concerns

The financial agreement that inevitably comes as part of the international agreement between the government of Albania and the government of Italy for an immigrant processing center in Gjadër reflects the costs that may be imposed on Albania through the...

Imports and exports of 2023, the effect on the economy and the indicators that have influenced the overvaluation of the Lek

In our economy, imports of goods in 2023 are 1.98 times higher than exports [1].This ratio has increased by 3% compared to 2022. Albanian consumers are used to seeing products from every corner of the world in their...

Albanian diaspora and today’s economic policies with a vision of the future

Diasporas are global communities of immigrants who maintain a sense of connection with their homeland. Because of their unique transnational characteristics, diasporas can have a significant impact on economic exchange and not just in a few ways. The potential of...

The economy and employment must be driven by a political model based on inclusiveness

The Albanian economy and labor market experienced a weak employment recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, unlike the recovery experienced by EU member states.A look at the performance of the EU economy shows that after contracting by -5.9% in 2020, the...

Inflation, consumption, economic growth and impacts in 2024

In the January 10, 2024 publication of the consumer price index (inflation) for December 2023, it is noted that its rate in December 2023 is 4.0% compared to the previous year. In December 2022, the inflation rate was 7.4%. The...
