Monthly Archives - September 2024

Citizens’ engagement in local budget decision-making – Example of municipalities in Albania

Our approach is based on the goal that transparency enables disclosure and reduces the likelihood of corrupt behavior because it lowers information barriers, allowing analysis and monitoring by the public.Accountability through consultation also curbs corruption by increasing the chances of...

Contributing to defense and national security requires changing the mindset to work today for tomorrow

The appropriate level of defense spending depends on the security environment and international circumstances to deter threats and maintain peace. Amidst the risk of a protracted conflict in Ukraine and beyond, it is not surprising to see high levels of...

Remittances, dirty money and the problems they leave behind

Inward flows of remittances have grown rapidly in recent years, with an average growth rate in the last 3 years (2021-2023) of 10.5% and dominate all other annual financial flows from sources abroad. Despite these trends, which began to increase...
