Tag - fiscal policy

What should be the expectations from a combined fiscal and monetary policy regime?

A fiscal policy that focuses on primary surpluses regardless of the stock of real debt, but combined with a monetary policy that ensures interest payments on outstanding debt, is assessed by international financial institutions as not causing debt to grow...

Our economic analysis for 2024: More economy and less political selfishness

As the year 2023 came to a close, the Albanian economy is doing better than expected from last year's forecasts. But it can be said that this pace does not match the expectations of small and medium businesses and citizens....

Expensive and unaffordable cost of tax of inflation

Contractionary monetary policy (contraction economic policy) is now the most popular method of controlling inflation. The purpose of a contractionary policy is to reduce the money supply within an economy by raising interest rates. This helps slow economic growth by...

Why does a strong economy cause a strong currency and why does our economy not?

International theory and practice show us that: In the short term If an economy experiences high rates of economic growth, then the economy is likely to see interest rates rise as the Central Bank responds to higher growth and potential inflationary pressures...

Business immigration, a signal for smart policies and accountability

The migration of businesses is part of the movement of capital where the return and conditions of doing business are or are perceived as better. Businesses in the role of investors have a central role in the management of this...

The Pedal of Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Who Has Been Pressed Harder?

The sharp tightening of monetary policy has often caused financial stress or even crises, especially in developed economies, but also in developing countries. Because of higher credit and currency risks, global investors have typically pulled out quickly when interest rates...
