Online Education

What is included/allowed in personal income and expenses for tax purposes?

In Albania, personal income is taxed on all income earned inside and outside the country by a resident individual and inside the country by a non-resident individual, except for the exceptions for each source of income. All the elements that...

How do changes in interest rates affect the profitability of the bank and citizens and businesses?

The banking industry includes not only commercial banks (as we have them in Albania), but mainly investment banks, microcredit financial institutions (not banks) and pension and insurance companies[1].All banks have large cash holdings. They hold a small amount...

How does the wrong fiscal policy affect the individual, businesses and the market?

The main argument is related to the answer for two main directions:- How does the fiscal policy affect the choices of individuals and businesses regarding labor relations, savings and investments - How does a change in the law affect relations with...

What is a strong economy?

In clarifying the term strong economy, according to many definitions and criteria from most information, it is seen that it should summarize together:- High rate of economic growth. According to our commentary, this implies an expansion of economic output,...

What is a strong budget?

Instead of making budget decisions based on the performance of revenues and expenditures of previous years, good public finance practice suggests that the government should structure budget decisions based on the prospects for the coming years.The budget is a problem...

Benefits in the monthly salary for an employee who moves over 100 km from the workplace

In Albania, salary benefits for an employee moving more than 100 km from the workplace are determined by the Labor Code and the employer's internal policies. Benefits and salary increases for an employee moving more than 100 km depend on...
