
How does the wrong fiscal policy affect the individual, businesses and the market?

The main argument is related to the answer for two main directions:- How does the fiscal policy affect the choices of individuals and businesses regarding labor relations, savings and investments - How does a change in the law affect relations with...

Our economic analysis for 2024: More economy and less political selfishness

As the year 2023 came to a close, the Albanian economy is doing better than expected from last year's forecasts. But it can be said that this pace does not match the expectations of small and medium businesses and citizens....

Higher minimum wage limiting the increase in labor costs for employers

The legal minimum wage level has over the years been used as the most direct policy instrument of governments to influence wage levels at the bottom of the distribution mechanism.But even though minimum wages are considered as a policy action...

Financial effects from the approval of the 2023 fiscal package for individuals, businesses, and the State Budget

From the calculation summarized according to the table, for the four tax laws that also have direct budgetary and financial effects for individuals and businesses beginning from fiscal year 2023, according to the results that coincide in the main parts...

The registration of foreign businesses in albania

Legal reference for the registration procedures are:Law no. 9723, dated 03.05.2007 “On the National Business Center”, (amended); Law no. 9901, dated 14.04.2007 “On the entrepreneur and Commercial Companies” (amended).Preliminary advices The foreign businesses should be previously advised in their country about the...
