Tax (Fiscal) Freedom Day in 2020 in Kosovo
The Day of Fiscal Freedom arrives in Kosovo in the last days of March 2020. Fiscal Freedom in Kosovo arrives on the 88th day of 2020. This day according to the calculations of the days according to the months of the year falls on March 28, 2020.
In 2019, the Day of Fiscal freedom was on March 29 and arrived on the 88th day of 2019, the same as in 2020.
Taxpayers, who are residents of all 6 regions of Kosovo, have Fiscal Freedom Day 2020 during March and only one region in April.
The Day of Fiscal Freedom in Kosovo 2020 arrives faster in the Mitrovica region on the 2nd day of March. In 2019 this day was on March 13th.
This region reaches 15 days earlier than the region of Peja on Fiscal Freedom Day 2020, based on the revenues collected during 2019. On the day of fiscal freedom 2019 this region has reached 3 days earlier than the region of Peja. In 2019, taxpayers in the Mitrovica region worked 62 days to pay off their fiscal obligations and get rid of their fiscal burden. In 2018, they worked 72 days and later brought 2019 Fiscal Freedom Day.
Taxpayers in the Peja region have the day of 2020 fiscal freedom on March 17, which falls 3 days earlier than in 2019. Peja taxpayers celebrate fiscal release in 2020 after working 77 days in 2019 to pay all obligations their fiscal. In 2018 they worked 79 days before they were considered to have paid their fiscal obligations and managed to work for themselves.
In the Gjakova region, taxpayers have the day of fiscal freedom 2020 on March 20, while in 2019 the day of fiscal freedom was on March 23. Taxpayers in this region, in 2018 worked 82 working days, while in 2019 worked 80 working days to pay tax liabilities to the budget and get rid of fiscal burden.
In the Gjilan region, taxpayers have 2020 Fiscal Freedom Day on March 24, but even though they worked the same number of working days (84 days), both in 2018 and in 2019 to pay the fiscal burden on Freedom Day Fiscal in 2019 has reached on March 25th. This discrepancy comes because 2020 is a fragile year and there is one more day, a fact that affects the calculation of days.
Prizren region has a difference in the days of fiscal freedom between 2020 and 2019, due to an increasing burden for 2019. In 2020, Fiscal Freedom Day is on March 29. In 2019, Fiscal Freedom Day was on March 14th. In 2018, the taxpayers of this region worked 73 days before it was called that they had fulfilled their obligations according to the fiscal burden that belonged to them. In 2019, they worked 89 days until they managed to repay all the fiscal obligations that belonged to them to pay the budget.
Taxpayers in the Ferizaj region have the day of fiscal release in 2020 only 1 day later than in Prizren. Fiscal burden in 2019 has been rising. Taxpayers had the day of fiscal freedom in 2019 on March 28th. To reach these dates, taxpayers in this region have worked 87 working days in 2018 and 90 working days in 2019.
In the region of Prishtina, taxpayers bear the biggest fiscal and growing burden for 2020 compared to 2019. Based on this, the Day of Fiscal Freedom 2020 is on April 13, while in 2019 this date was on March 29. In this region, which holds the largest number of taxpayers in Kosovo, resident taxpayers worked in 2018 88 days and in 2019 worked 104 days only to pay tax liabilities to the budget.
Fiscal Freedom Day in Kosovo has been postponed, due to the fact that the performance of budget revenues in recent years in all regions of Kosovo has continued to improve.
However, the struggle that should start by force to push towards the minimum tax evasion limits, which is trying to cross the borders that have been established until today and is beginning to affect the tax equality of taxpayers, remains an undeniable challenge. This fact also appears in the distribution of income according to the GINI Index, mentioned above. Kosovo has deteriorated its income distribution situation only five years ago.
ALTAX calculates the Fiscal Freedom Index for Kosovo for the 5th time.
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