Corruption of Historical Leaders and distancing from them
The whole notion of the Democratic Party (DP) is being declared by some segments of its current leadership that it belongs to Sali Berisha (ex-Prime Minister of Albania). In fact this story of DP was built from the role played by all the prominent names and who over the years have been part of the creation of the opposing party system.
Until yesterday (09.09.2021), when the PD Presidency made public the position for expulsion from the PD parliamentary group of the longtime leader at its head, such moves have been common for the history of this party and this precedent has been set by the expelled leader yesterday. Today, when an important public figure is asked to distance himself from the party, the movement naturally enters a page that can become part of national history.
In liberal democracies, usually the control that party leaders have over their group members in the parliamentary legislature is a moment of leadership that has no place to “respect” history, but the historical reality of the moment. Party discipline is important for all parties members, be they historical leaders or continuously recycled party leaders. It is precisely this that allows parties to retain political power, because it determines the degree to which governing infrastructure will be influenced by legitimate political processes.
Of course, these decisions to exclude leaders who have led their parties for many decades are mostly found in left-wing parties. But the case of the decision to expel the former multi-year leader of the DP is in some respects similar to the profile of these parties. It is His merit for structuring a party with a left-wing leadership philosophy within it and with a right-wing appearance as a perception for followers and citizens. The DP has come to the point where after successive electoral defeats in the last decade to declare loudly that its political loss does not come only from the problems of a weak current leadership. This loss has its roots in the history of the corrupt former leader, who corrupted the party with his autocratic spirit and implemented on the model of corrupt governance in the years he led.
The historical leader of the Democratic Party, if we look back at the years in the history of the Democratic Party (which has held a major weight in the history of Albania in the last three decades) has played a negative role by acting badly since the initial processes of liberal democracy in Albania and without ceasing has not turned out to be in the service of the public interest and country development.
The process of political orientation in the early days of liberal democracy was implemented as :
– a new war of Albanians against each other motivating him with political lynchings against the communists (his comrades of the same political wing);
– allowance of uncontrolled migration of the population and also with social danger;
– danger to the rule of law, property rights under the motivation of parting with the previous political regime;
– corruption of politics and disruption of government formats for the people and in their service;
– breaking political relations with foreigners serving only the narrow interests of his group;
– the division between Albanians inside and outside conveying the de facto division between them as well as many other approaches personalized / stimulated by the autocratic leadership of Sali Berisha.
All of these mentions are unpaid debts (Inheritance) that He left to his political descendants when he handed over the “copy of the keys” of the DP in 2013.
Nano (ex-socialist premier of Albania) left the same legacy in 2005, except for the complex that the communists did not directly attack and occasionally promoted from their group those who served them. In fact in this judgment the common spirit applies and not the individual cases.
It was not Albania that in initial steps toward democracy created the corruption or the distorted state we have today, but neither we deserve the massive segments of society even more hypocritical than until yesterday. Our political system actually imported them along with the hybrid leaders (between East and West). In all this retrospective it is not at all true, that this sincere (forced) moment of reflection by the current DP leaders toward historic leader of DP is a tragedy. Even the euphemisms that link Berisha’s deserved expulsion from the DP with Albania’s fate and its future can no longer drag the country towards the past.
In fact, the current generation must be held accountable for who they owe the unpaid bill for all these years, including the story of their parents, who pay the bitter bill of their youth stolen by the corruption of the political leaders of the transition. (Berisha, Nano and others).
There is no one responsible, as those who should have been the accused are still linked to power / politics in their forms which have harmed the public and local interest.
In this context, there’s no comparison to “Taliban” and we can not resemble anyone other than the race to which we belong. This model of revanchism against the pure values of liberal democracy was brought to us precisely by the leaders of the post-1990s and their descendants. None of them has managed to maintain the liberal model imported from the developed Euro-Atlantic democracies, as in fact they were all leaders who were not born from the needs of the country, but were produced as a semy-ready leadership.
Corruption of the will has been and continues to be their common denominator.
If we were to turn to the reaction to the current moment of expulsion of the historical leader of the DP, to compare and equate it with the level of a tragedy beyond the personal one, our answer would be that it is no more than the end of a story that began without glory.
Personal tragedy is not related to the fate of the country, be it even the Aeschylus tragedy.
Tragedy we can call the moment when our parents were deprived of their rights to work and a dignified life at a young age (because of corrupted politics) by condemning families to suffer emotionally and even threatened in their daily lives.
The tragedy is to accept a collapse of citizens’ savings like that of ’94 – ’97 (Ponzi schemes) and to put the army at personal disposal to fight against the people who demanded their savings, and the same couldn’t be after 24 years.
The tragedy is about how is corrupted a political leader to the level of the Gerdec explosive case and to go beyond and contrary any national policy in the service of the vision for the country.
The tragedy is money laundering created by histories like Lazarat’s marijuana farms to ruin the weak economy and without any model of sustainable development.
Tragedy is the lack of an economic model for the sake of well-being. Because of corrupted political leadership, we are still the poorest in Europe. The economy left to us by our leaders has been helped by remittances, the chaos of informality, as well as investment cases of mismanagement of public funds, such as the “Nation” road and the current PPPs. But it has never been guided that the economy be clean and competitive, like other developed countries, where the formal part would help educate citizens with the purity of a dignified life, where law enforcement would be the beginning and end of the day for secilin.
The tragedy is the granting of corrupt permits for civil constructions on the owners’ properties, the introduction of the education system on the path of corruption, as well as the introduction of the future economy on the unknown path and unbridled corruption.
Without going into more detail, which forms this attitude that we express towards old and new leaders, it is worth mentioning the expression “what you sow you will reap”. Political parties are a reflection of the qualities and values of their leaders. If the leaders are honest, fair, true, they will also get back what they have reflected as quality and in the end the country and the citizens benefit.
At the end of the final 30-year loss-win result, really lost by the leadership of Berisha, Nano and their descendants did not come out Those whom our leaders have supported and encouraged at home and abroad.
The losers are Albanians, inside and outside the territory.
Tirane, 10.09.2021
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