A little can be changed without a deep political reform

political reform

A little can be changed without a deep political reform

Strengthening the current political system with some reforms?

A different approach guided by concepts and technical expertise?

An overhaul of the political system oriented towards functional liberal pure models? 

The first modeling has not shown positive tendencies to move forward and reality does not accept it. A feature of this current political system in Albania is the shock of the state’s stability. Inadvertently, leaders have contributed to the breakdown of public confidence in the state. One reason is that all leaders and politicians have absurdly believed that their protagonism / narcissism was superior and they wanted to reform the state according to this approach. By colliding with the system without considering the fact that the state was in fact being hit, they have consistently created a headless revolutionary situation where the people have been invited to fight their own state. 

Meanwhile, it remains an indisputable fact that the superiority of the Albanian left is and remains electoral. The argument that can prove this is that the cases when the left was declared the winner of the elections took place after the socio-economic environment so distorted and unable to come out of itself that it could not face new challenges for a long time with the same people. 

The current political system with the tools and ideas in circulation cannot be reformed. He is just staying the same since its inception and capable of producing crises to overthrow the opponent. But in trying to “burn the quilt for a flea” political stability has been hit in the first place, affecting economic instability and social distortions. 

The problem with this line of explanation is that the moment of collapse of this system cannot be felt or be visible to everyone. The distorted market and the capitalist system still at the unfinished level can function for many years to come, but what will destroy it are the missing rights of private property. 

Although we all favor the common sense of capitalism, the perception of elite politicians about the common sense varies greatly, limited by ideological sensitivities and the barrenness of ideas to revolutionize political and popular democracy. While the approach initiated by technocrats and based on voluntary initiatives by members of the intellectual network needs to approach politics through some preliminary analysis. Otherwise, they need to organize campaigns to show how valuable technocratic leadership is to people economically if the approach of united technocrats is implemented. Campaigns should be aimed at curing budget diseases and orientation and competitiveness defects. The nihilistic and denigrating approach of any previous policy does not help this model which has many chances of being misunderstood if it does not essentially preserve the technical and administrative nature of addressing and resolving policies. The campaign against the very main qualities of the state will frighten people and keep them away from technocrats, further inciting illegality and distancing themselves from the authorities. 

The main focus for technicians would be the answer to the question why reforms in Albania are never concluded? 

One of the main reasons for analyzing this is because the main bureaucrats and those in the ruling party are uninterested in the reforms and initiatives their leaders are taking. The politicized part of technicians, who become or are part of the technocracy network, feel complacent and do not care about change. Once there is a change of governing direction and changes of political alliances, they are the first to adapt to the next winner. 

Meanwhile, what had to happen to technocrats had to be a completely different reality. They should be in defense of the policy of change and be the right supporters for reforms from above. In fact, bureaucrats appointed by political parties have supreme rights and few obligations to their duties, and in fact they are even more inclined not to accept changes that undermine the status quo they are trying to maintain. They are the initiators of the failure or procrastination of any reform until the final. 

The undoing of the administration and experienced technocrats and integrity by the hierarchical model has influenced the state’s defiance in the face of the task of demanding law enforcement. They know it is unbearable for them to impose their knowledge and experience on generally arrogant leaders, especially when they are in government. 

Wisely for bad, the leaders, after launching reforms accepted by all at the height of their declaration of success, are the moment when their abandonment has begun in the name of efforts to reform other sectors of government and the economy. But in fact, these reforms, which should have been delegated and entrusted to the technocrats to the end, should have started with the reform of the government itself, but this has not happened and the result is only bureaucratic chaos. In contrast to this approach, which can be called a disease of politics (reform begins and ends in initiatives), technicians should be left unchecked by promoting motivation and meritocracy. 

After all, the appointment of trusted people of the political grouping to the administration fails the political mission in taking hostages from the nominees becoming after a while the main consumers of power in its biggest opponents. And all these reactions are of a personal nature and not at all in the interest of nature and the development of well-being and the rule of law. 

Currently, the socialist leaders have remained in their leadership in a few genuine technical / intellectual hands. Most technocrats are already outside the sector or perimeter of day-to-day politics. 

A reformatting of the system with this level of management cannot last long, as it does not coincide with the interests of most people seeking light to see the truth about many new developments and policies. At this time, it cannot be led by almost the same blind intellectuals and technicians in their actions and who act and advise actions that see the Albanian reality in an extreme way. 

A new reformation of politics should not go deeper into reinforced ignorance in many years as a continuation of the pre-1990s mentality. 

Political reformation should attract everyone and suddenly with the new thinking on politics and its success in case it is based on free thought, experienced and mostly independent of current politics.

Current politics must also decide that it must leave behind those burdens and problems that further generate resentment, disunity, and stagnation to the point of decaying political thought. 

From the point of view of the approach of a reformation of politics, it is necessary for the country and the life of Albanians to have the spirit of a new life, focusing not only on the democratization of politics, but on the liberalization of political life. 

On the one hand, every reform to date has undermined communist dogmas and helped liberalize the economy and society. On the other hand, reforms have contributed to the enrichment of a small elite of managers and their operators, closely linked to politicians who have been in power throughout recent years. 

Standing at the head of an organization that can further be the subject of discredit and which has failed to be reformed is tantamount to undermining the power of leadership. 

Politics, like economics, needs an amnesty for all individuals and opinions, with the aim of starting with a reformation based on formality and not the other way around. But the amnestied have to pay for their future cleanliness. 

This is the challenge! 

What and how to pay?

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