Civil Insight: The 2024 Draft Budget for Berati’s Citizens

A productive approach that is valid in the economic situation and context is the summary with the comments of local business representatives, prominent individuals, students, but also with the strong involvement of the active part of the civil society, which also participates in its widespread.

Citizens’ contribution is limited to only a few spaces for intervention and influence on the budget project. Generally, they are in the form of proposals for adding or removing projects or reducing/increasing any amount dedicated to a subsidy. However, the immutable reference according to the format already drawn up by the municipality based on the standard model instructed by the Ministry of Finance and Economy does not accept essential changes, as they are considered to be the copyright of the government.

In the commitment according to the law “On public notification and consultation”, for which we have communicated not only with the public but also with the Commissions of the Assembly and the Good Governance Unit of the Government, we have committed ourselves to essential changes to adhere to some basic principles of governance.

Holding consultations in the budgeting process, and beyond this period, stems from the obligation for accountability, which must stem from detailed and exhaustive analyzes that consider the applicability of the political program through monitoring the decisions of the Municipal Council, but also the performance of the Municipality and the mayor hers.

Meanwhile, public opinion comments, which include different categories and layers of the local community, should be conducted based on the qualified comment of the citizen through the selected expertise.


The local budget 2024, which is drawn up every year based on the income from public money, determines the projects and services that will be offered to local citizens and businesses. Therefore, it should be well distributed and thoroughly consulted with the citizens. Performance monitoring systems should be further developed by the government with the support of local expertise, as a healthy opposition and coordinated with the financial and technical support of the state budget and international partners.

The analysis prepared from the information and statistics and financial and fiscal data reports of the Municipality, the processing of sectoral, financial and economic experts is an approach that tends to present the situation of financing the activity, operation and projects of the local government for the community, as well as addressing their concerns, presented as a summary and commentary of the survey conducted with the community by ALTAX experts.

The budget prepared by the municipality is based on and divided into five categories, which cover a) Salaries and contributions, b) Goods and maintenance, c) Local services, d) Debts and subsidies and d) Capital investments.

Major changes in the political, social, cultural and economic fields led to significant differences in the provision of services in the public and private sectors. For this reason, it should be emphasized that the demands and expectations of citizens from the public sector have diversified. Due to changes in information and communication technology, citizens expect a quality and efficient service and demand its prompt delivery.