Obligations of the buyer when registering the apartment he buys

Obligations of the buyer when registering the apartment he buys

Payments as obligations in the case of the transfer of the right of ownership of the apartment/dwelling linked with the transaction between the parties are on the seller’s account.

The seller

The individual who transfers[1] the right of ownership over the real estate, pays the tax before the registration of the deed of transfer of the property, in accordance with the legal acts and procedures in force. The transferred real estate is not registered without proving the payment of this obligation at the local real estate registration offices.

The sale value of the real estate is determined in the notarial contract of sale, which is signed by the parties (the seller and the buyer). The contract must state the area in square meters of the property subject to the contract, the price per square meter and its value. The contract must be accompanied by the map, floor plan and other documents that serve for the registration of real estate.

The buyer

After the buyer has completed the payment of the value of the real estate[2] for the certificate of ownership, he applies the procedures according to the steps found on the government portal e-Albania[3]

[1] by transfer of the right of ownership, is understood the act of selling, donating or relinquishing real estate
[2] The repayment of the value of the property object of the sales contract is confirmed by the documentation forwarded to LRERO, through one of the following forms:
– Mandate of the bank for the transfer of the monetary amount from the buyer to the notary’s account;
– Mandate of the bank for the transfer of the monetary amount from the buyer to the seller’s bank account;
– The business/order contract between the buyer and the seller (natural/legal person) accompanied by the corresponding mandate of the customer in favor of the entrepreneur
[3] https://e-albania.al/eAlbaniaServices/UseService.aspx?service_code=9482

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