Leadership within the perimeter of power

perimeter of power

Leadership within the perimeter of power

The problem of group thinking and individual ignorance affects not only ordinary voters and clients, but also presidents, prime ministers, and corporate leaders.

The latter may have access to a host of powerful consultants and information networks, but this does not necessarily make things easier.

No leader in the world today can be sure that people close to him are telling the truth. It is extremely difficult for them to discover the truth and explore themselves, from the moment they run networks, big businesses or states, as management has actually begun to be oriented by the information circulating within the perimeter of their power / influence consultants.

Anyone else who communicates directly with the leader is cautiously careful not to spoil the pleasure of enjoying personal success. Meanwhile, you / the rest of us have to spend so much time on the periphery of power to get closer to its center where excellent and revolutionary knowledge can actually be exchanged. But this time along this journey is full of potholes and bumps, with impossible ideas to be finalized, with prejudiced comments and ridiculous obstacles driven by negative feelings. 

Most political leaders and big businessmen are always in a hurry, where he never sees his end. But this is a problem for them. 

If they need to assess situations and address complex problem solving, they need to have plenty of time available. On the other hand, if they need to delve deeper into addressing each problem in particular, then they need to have even more time in their inventory to consume it. 

Given this contradiction of time, they should be able to experiment with productive approaches, explore their unproductive moments leaving much less space to deal with personal and intra-group work. In this leadership environment, delegating to the leader’s trustees is the solution that works around the world to this day.

The power of the leader has to do with changing reality. Instead of looking at it, he should try to change it with courage and wisdom, and for this he mostly uses the people around the perimeter created by his power. These are the people he can’t let go of anymore, as the leader and they are in symbiosis with each other. 

But the biggest problem with the government’s move to change the environment is the sense of proportion. 

Maintaining the sense of not exceeding the limit of the effect that power gives is the biggest problem of the leader. It’s the same as when you have a billiard cue and you’re playing. At that moment everything in the billiard field looks like a ball to you. 

Throughout this shared journey in time, there comes an inevitable moment when self-change must begin. As Socrates said over two thousand years ago, the best we can do in these conditions is to “find ourselves and know ourselves.”

From all this we can begin to understand the world once again, hoping for a new analysis to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. 

If the leader and the same people stay together for a long time together in the center of power without entering into this process of analysis and evaluating themselves, they will have a not very clear picture of the world around them. Everyone wants to be in a better position to be more comfortable than before. This position is achieved only by using the contribution of others to promote oneself before the superior. 

If this trend continues over time, then leadership will begin to deal with perimeter analysis. But this is the beginning of the end. Then he will lose most of his precious time, while the situation worsens first for ordinary people and then for them. 

At the end comes the moment when the leader, when he gets great power in his hands, everything seems to him as a very useful invitation to play with the “stack” only he and his group. Even if somehow the leader manages to control the inner desire to limit this tendency, those around him will never forget to remind the leader of the great chance of ending the game with a stack.

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